1650cc Mazda Rotariy 20B 3 Rotor SouthBay Fuel Injectors
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1650cc Mazda 20B 3 Rotor.SouthBay Fuel Injector 1650cc high impedance injector is the largest high impedance Bosch core injector compatible with all known fuels. E85, MTBE, FTW, Q16, M5, C45. SouthBay 1650cc Bosch Fuel injectors maintain precise control of fuel delivery. Fuel Injectors are Optimized, and flow matched dynamically to within ±1%. For High Performance Off-road applications. Extension and clips for your installation included. For High Performance Off-road applications. This injector will withstand pressures more than 7 Bar. Injectors are covered by defects in original manufacture by our lifetime warranty.